In August, I was a guest of honour at Aninite in Austria.
Now I’m back home again, and got some time to rest, I can get back to work!
If you didn’t get to go to Aninite yourself, you can now experience parts of the con yourself, by reading my convention report here 😉
My Booth
At the con, I had a booth where I could sell my prints and books, chat with visitors and take selfies.
On day one of the con (friday), I decided to wear my fem Deku cosplay! I designed this costume myself, based on the character Deku from the Anime My Hero Academia. If you want to make a cosplay like this too, then for sure check out my fem Deku pattern and tutorial set!

It was so cool to see how many people were interested in my crafting books! I was so happy to personalize and sign them for all of you ^^
Q and A with the cosplay guests
On friday, there was a special Q&A with the cosplay guests, on the big stage. It was so nice to be able to answer many questions about cosplay and crafting during this session.

Maybe not the best pic of me but let’s just say it’s an action shot haha 😛 The gorgeous Missescharmy is sitting next to me, answering questions from the audience!
How to start with cosplay; panel
Later that day, I had my panel about ‘How to start with cosplay’. The panel room was full! So many people listening to my story about cosplay for beginners 🙂 It was heartwarming! Let’s hope I could inspire some people to start with cosplay ^^

Alice with hobby horse reveal!
On saturday I finally took my new Hobby horse prop out and cosplayed Alice once more! I felt epic in this cosplay 🙂 Especially with the cool new prop!
Oh and… Ps… The crafting patterns for this cool unicorn prop are also in the webshop now! So check them out right here 🙂
And…. If you want to craft the teapot cannon for Alice, then check out my pattern and tutorial set for those 😀
Genshin Impact cosplay show
I got to judge the special Genshin Impact cosplay contest on saturday, and got to give out the grand prize on the stage!

So many Genshin cosplayers!! Look at that fully packed stage!

Epic Lady Dimitrescu (she used my hat pattern!)
I was so impressed by Missescharmy’s Lady Dimitrescu, for which she used the hat crafting pattern from my Lady D pattern and tutorial set! Doesn’t she look just EPIC?

Cubone loves bubble tea <3
Sunday was the last day of Aninite, and I decided to wear my Cubone cosplay. Pssst… Did you know about the crafting patterns for Cubone on my website? It includes the template for the skull helmet which is epic and not hard to make! Check it out 😉

I didn’t take much photos on this day, because it was so jam packed with pre-judging and the X-cosplay contest. I even missed my own panel about horn crafting because the pre-judging took longer than planned 🙁 *cries*
Even though all of the convention days were super hot, I believe that the sunday was the worst. It was 30+ degrees celsius, and inside the convention venue wich was literally a greenhouse (VERY beautiful) it was even hotter XD

X-Cosplay contest on sunday
So on sunday, I judged the craftmanship cosplay contest, and there were 25 contestants! Just look at all of them on (and in front of) the stage!!

Right at the end of the third convention day the awesome Pugoffka (who was also a guest of honour, and sat next to me at the guesting tables!) took this gorgeous photo of me! I am so stunned by how she managed to still portray me so beautifully, even after three busy and hot convention days. I’m so grateful!
And let’s end this story with a selfie with my dear friend Nana Kuronoma! Who I could finally see again after a long time!

All in all, Aninite was a great weekend 🙂 And I’m super thankful for the invite to be a guest of honour! I’ll cherish the great memories from this con 😀